März 28th, 2018

Anxiety – What Happens and What Helps, Faith G. Harper

Posted in bücher by Dolf

Microcosm Publishing, 2752 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227, Usa, www.microcosmpublishing.com

This is a „5 minute therapy zine“, pocket size 65 pages, where the author explains what anxiety is, what it is good for (it is good indeed for a few things…), how to know when it is gone overboard and practical tips (breathe!) on how to deal with anxiety when it is getting bad. As a person who is not affected by anxiety I would say the book does a basic job for starters and can be a quick help guide for the beginning. For a deeper information source I’m sure Harpers book (Unfuck your Brain – see review in this issue too) is the better recommendation. But, to get in touch with the subject, this is a start. US $ 6,95 (dolf)
Isbn 978-1621064213

[Trust # 188 February 2018]

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