September 29th, 2010

Hrvst: Death

Posted in bücher by Dolf

Averse, Schlesische Str. 26, Aufgang CIV, 10997 Berlin

Cool concept: “One Issue One Topic”, in this case Death. The publishers (Thiele/Thauer) got contributions from 44 persons (+ their own 2 texts) about the topic. I personally have heard about/know only 6 persons – but, that should not distract one from reading this book. Fortunally only one interview is in here – I don`t like reading interviews in books. The contributions are just so much better. Well, of course not all of them.. but as expected you get a lot of storys. They range from “funny” death related experiences, to sad storys, suicide attempts, animals, humans, first hand experince (well, that would be impossible.), thoughts, photos, poetry.

I enjoyed reading it, since the contributions are usually not so long and some of them have just good things to say, while other storys are almost unbelieveable.. I wont give you any samples, you need to read for yourself. If you are “uncertain” about death, or fascinated, reading this can help or be fun. Every author has a small “about me” text, a ID photo and another photo selected. Have to mention there is also some art in there to break it up, nice. Intro, Outro, contacts to all the contributers should also be mentioned. Paperback. Limited to 1000 copies. I look forward to see Hrvst # 2 planned in fall 2010. 14.- Euro (dolf)

Isbn 978-3-941893-03-0

[Trust # 143 August 2010]

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